Chain React
Purdue ASME Rube Goldberg Team
The Rube Goldberg team builds and assembles complex chain reaction machines to accomplish simple tasks. The entire process emphasizes the creativity within design and how to best use materials and design reliable machines; integrating CAD, 3D printing, and common objects. The team competes in the National Chain Reaction Competition every year.

The Timeline
Fall Semester:
Brainstorm and CAD Design
The first step in creating a successful Rube Goldberg machine is to plan. Our team takes the first semester of the year to CAD each component of the machine to prepare for the manufacturing and assembly.
Spring Semester:
The spring semester is our manufacturing phase where we prototype and create the steps for our machine, test them, and compete in the Purdue National Chain Reaction Competition in April

Our Work

Get in Touch
Project Director
Henry Helman
Meeting Times
6:30pm - 8:30pm